
Timmy Vincent Jurluma

Karungkarni Art And Culture

Timmy Vincent Jurluma is a Malngin/Gurindji artist from Daguragu. He was born under a tree in the wet season of 1951 on Old Wave Hill Station (Jinparrak). He grew up on the station and worked as a stockman from the age of 8 years. In 1966, his father, Vincent Lingiari, initiated a workers’ strike to protest against the poor conditions of their employment and ultimately recover control of their traditional lands. The Gurindji campaign went on for nine years and resulted in the first successful land claim by Aboriginal people, which in turn generated further energy for the broader land rights movement. Since then, Timmy has lived at Daguragu.

When Timmy retired as a stockman in 2015, he accompanied his wife, Kathleen Sambo, to the art centre each day. After a short time, he would assist her in painting her Dreaming designs. As well as painting collaborative artworks with Kathleen, Timmy now focuses on painting his own Dreaming designs, including King Brown Snake Dreaming, karrajkarraj (Curry Orange) and ngamanpurru (Conkerberry), the Dreaming for Daguragu. Timmy is a Director of Karungkarni Art and Culture Aboriginal Corporation. In 2015, he represented his father, Vincent Lingiari, at the memorial service for former Prime Minister Gough Whitlam at Sydney Town Hall.