
Rachel (Granite) Rennie Napurrula

Karungkarni Art And Culture

Rachel Rennie Napurrula was born at Lajamanu in 1969. Her parents were born at Phillip Creek near Tennant Creek. There is a tree there with the same name as her mother. Her parents later moved to Ali Curung.

As a young girl, Rachel lived at Warlpiri Camp at Wave Hill Settlement (now Kalkaringi) with her six sisters and brother. She later moved to Lajamanu. Rachel’s mother taught her how to paint. She also learned from books on Aboriginal art. Now Rachel likes to teach her grandchildren how to paint their Dreaming stories. Rachel’s mother taught her Dreaming stories depicting the travels of the Wampana (Spectacled Hare Wallaby), and the Dreaming story called Ngurlu (Grinding Seed).