
Paddy Mugabi

Milingimbi Art And Culture

My name is Paddy Mugabi and I am Gamaḻaŋga. I live at Yurrwi (Milingimbi) and I was born in Maningrida. I went to school at the Mission in Maningrida, until my father came in a boat and took me and my yapa (sister) with him back to Yurrwi. Here he taught me Rom (Law), riŋgitj (songlines), miny’tji (designs), and dhäwu, (stories). All the way, growing up, I was learning these things for Gamaḻaŋga and my mother’s Warrawarra clan.

My wäŋa (country ) is at Murruŋga, Gurriba and Galkubirri.

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