
Dindima Huckle-Moran

Kirralaa Designs

Dindima is a proud Wiradjuri and Wongaibon woman born on Ngunnawal/Ngambri land. Dindima is a visual, and performing artist, as well as an activist. Dindima aims to express her love for her culture and people through vibrant and empowering art. Dindima’s art features Indigenous symbols that represent women, ceremony and spiritual figures. Dindima believes there should be no rules when it comes to Indigenous art, that it is an individual and unique process for each artist. Dindima’s techniques include the combination of hand painting on canvas and adobe illustrator software to achieve the intricate details and elements in her art work. Dindima seeks to empower young Indigenous people, especially women, to express their culture in their own unique ways in modern Australia. Dindima thinks it is important to acknowledge that Indigenous people are diverse in their cultural expression and ways of life, that we come from so many different dialects and nations, and that this should be celebrated. Dindima aims to express this in her art, and to capture the diversity and beauty of our culture through her eclectic, vibrant style.

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