
Caroline Jimmy Namitja/Nanyi

Karungkarni Art And Culture

Caroline Jimmy Namitja/Nanyi is a Gurindji artist and member of Karungkarni Art Centre in Kalkarindji in the northern Tanami Desert / Victoria River region of the Northern Territory. Caroline started painting when she was twelve years old by watching her mother and father painting. She learned her Dreaming stories from them both. Caroline also enjoys painting bush food. Her father used to carve boomerang, shields, coolamon and Caroline used to help make them and learn from this skillful master carver.
Her Uncle Ronnie gave her the Ngapa Dreaming, which Ronnie had learned from his grandfather and uncle when he was a young boy. He was told the stories which he kept in his mind. Uncle Ronnie told Caroline to learn proper Gurindji language and to always do the right Dreaming.