
Life Source, 2022


  • 91.4cm x 152.4cm x 4cm
  • 2022
  • Acrylic on Canvas
  • Catalog No: 2

This particular piece is inspired by my recent trip back to Country. In Breeza, I walked down by the Mooki River with my family where I felt a sense of familiarity and guidance, as if I my Ancestors were there with us. The flow of the river and the sunshine sparkling in the water was healing. The health-giving qualities of water and sun, and of being on Country are so vital, I take this feeling into my every day, particularly whilst working through grief. The background of this piece, painted in pinks, beige and greys, creates an energising feeling, the feeling I got walking towards the river and knowing my Ancestors had cared for this place for thousands of years. I am so grateful to follow in their footsteps. The meeting places depict an custodianship of Country, the places that my Ancestors walked, camped and played, living with this place and the place living with them.

This artwork was the feature artwork in Leah’s ‘Life Source’ exhibition, 2022.

5 pieces (canvases) make up the artwork.


Price includes shipping in Australia only or local delivery by the Artist (Ngunnawal Country, ACT)