
Mildred Nyunkiya Lyons

Papulankutja Artists

Mildred was born in Warburton and moved around the Ngaanyatjarra lands growing up. She went to school in Warburton and Jameson before moving to Blackstone. She has four sisters and one brother.
When Mildred was young she would go walking with the other girls in the bush looking for honey ants and yellow berries. She loved being out bush, just walking around her country. Her mother was the same. Born near Wanarn, she would walk her way across country, frightened of cars. From Kaltukatjara (Docker River) to Blackstone she’d walk. Mildred has 3 children, two of which live in Blackstone with her.

Mildred began painting after spending time in the Papulankutja Artists centre as an artsworker, helping to take photos of paintings and keep the art centre clean when she was younger.

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