
Heather Napurrurla Anderson

Barkly Regional Arts

“I like to paint to show to my kids about my land, my culture like yawulyu and tell stories about bush medicine” 

Heather Anderson’s childhood on Alroy Downs in the Barkly Tablelands is her greatest influence. The artist is best known for vibrant pastoral landscapes which speak to the importance of agriculture and water to the people living in the Barkly region, where large cattle stations are part of the region’s economic lifeblood. A prolific artist, Heather employs a bright palette to create narrative pieces which depict the daily rituals of station life, and more recently of her life in Tennant Creek. Her playful palette and distorted approach to perspective are a nod to the naïve style which can be seen in different interpretations throughout the work of Tennant Creek’s Tartukula Artists.