
Gordon Butcher

Ikuntji Artists

Gordon was born in Warumpi (Papunya) in 1963. As the founding member and drummer in the famous Warumpi Band alongside Sammy Butcher, George Rrurrambu and Neil Murray, he has travelled the world and toured Europe bringing happiness wherever he toured. But Gordon lived here in Ikuntji (Haasts Bluff) with his wife, kids and grandkids. Gordon’s wife, Alison Multa is also an artist. Gordon was a respected elder member of the community and used to be Land Council representative for the Western Area. As well as a musician he was a well known artist and woodcarver. Gordon worked in the studio and maintenance of the art centre grounds and also painted. He often painted alongside his wife during their spare time. 

In his work, he depicts Pikilyi (Vaughn Springs) west of Yuendumu.This is Gordon’s father’s and grandfather’s country. Gordon painted both skin groups who are the traditional owners for Pikilyi. In his large scale paintings he used soft tones, combining thick lines and dot work to create striking works. 

Gordon passed away in early 2020.

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