
Elvis Bara

Anindilyawka Arts

Elvis is a senior male artist. Elvis is an important songman and singer and is involved in ceremonies on Groote Eylandt and Numbulwar. Elvis is a carver and creates artworks that represent his totems. He also collaborates with his wife Stephanie Durilla at times.

My dad didn’t want to stay in Darwin at the East Arm  leprasorium, so he walked to Numbulwar . He slept under trees and ate goanna on  the way. It took him a long time to get home, a few months. He stopped in Numbulwar with the Munguwar people for 6 months and learnt  their language Wunginpuu. He taught it to us.  Maicie Lalara’s father brought him back. When my dad got back he married my mum.  I was born in Angurugu 1957 in the old mission hospital. They were staying in Darliga Bay. I had two elder sisters. One day a eagle came and took them both. Took their lives. My mum and dad told me the story.

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