
Anindilyakwa Female Artist

Anindilyawka Arts

Each of the bush dyed textiles are hand crafted in communities across the Groote Eylandt Archipelago. Anindilyakwa women hold ancient knowledge of their country and dyeing practice from their ancestors. Using a variety of local roots, leaves, bark and berries, the artists create unique textiles, reflecting the colours and designs of Anindilyakwa country. 

Every week the Arts Workers; Charmaine Kerindun, Sharna Wurramara, Maicie Lalara, Jeanelle Mamarika, Annabell Amagula and Noeleen Lalara work alongside other Anindilyakwa Artists to collect natural dyes, firewood, and plants for patterns, before bush dying textiles together.

Each piece comes out as a unique and individual item, no two are the same!


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