
Alick Tipoti

Badu Art Centre

Alick Tipoti is a world renowned professional artist from Badu Island in the Torres Strait.

His work depicts many meaningful symbols about the Land Sea & Sky of his country through traditional Melanesian patterns.

Alick translates & interprets images of his spiritual ancestors and their totems. Through his work he also shares & educates general ancient knowledge about Torres Strait Islander culture for he is guided by the ancient traditional practices of his people.

Most of his works are accompanied by traditional Chants, Songs & Dance.

He is one of very few people today who speaks his Language of Kala Lagaw Ya fluently for this is the center reason for his art practice.

His work is in collection throughout some of the most prestigious Galleries & Museum all over the world.

Tribe: Badhu, Wakaydh, Argan

Totem: Koedal (crocodile), Thupmul (fileray)

Wind: Naygay (North East) Sager (South East)

Stars: Zugubaw Baydham (Shark Star Constellation to the North)

Country: Badu Island, Zenadh Kes (Torres Strait) Melanesian.