
Durrmu Arts Peppimenarti, NT

PMB 56 via Winnellie, Peppimenarti, NT, 0822
0408 319 879

About Durrmu Arts

The paintings of Peppimenarti are based upon traditional weaving and durrmu (pronounced durr-a-mul) (dot body painting) designs. These are complemented by the women artists’ premium pandanus and sand-palm fibre weaving work. The women of Peppimenarti are traditionally weavers and have transposed their knowledge of fibre and textiles onto the canvas. The results are paintings of intricate, abstract mark-making; some clearly representing syaw (pronounced 'shaw') (fishnet) and wupun (pronounced woo-parn) (basket weaving) through their layered textures, whilst others resemble fine tapestries. The men’s art lies in the production of body paint designs and cultural articles. Many of the male artists paint their inherited didgeridoo designs.

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